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Bitcoin -0.14% BTC to USD:
Ethereum -0.17% ETH to USD:
Ripple -0.53% XRP to USD:
Bitcoin Cash -0.03% BCH to USD:
Litecoin -0.46% LTC to USD:
Stellar Lumens -0.59% XLM to USD:
NEO -0.27% NEO to USD:
EOS -0.12% EOS to USD:
IOTA -0.21% MIOTA to USD:
Dash -0.38% DASH to USD:
NEM -0.46% XEM to USD:
Monero -0.19% XMR to USD:
Lisk -1.29% LSK to USD:
Ethereum Classic +0.2% ETC to USD:
Qtum -0.7% QTUM to USD:
Bitcoin Gold -0.47% BTG to USD:
OmiseGO -0.63% OMG to USD:
Zcash -0.19% ZEC to USD:
Verge -0.78% XVG to USD:
Steem -0.56% STEEM to USD:
Bytecoin +0.12% BCN to USD:
Siacoin -2.14% SC to USD:
Stratis -0.82% STRAT to USD:
Status +0.3% SNT to USD:
BitShares +0.12% BTS to USD:
0x +0.23% ZRX to USD:
Decred -0.53% DCR to USD:
Augur -1.12% REP to USD:
DigixDAO -0.84% DGD to USD:
Komodo -0.56% KMD to USD:
DigiByte -0.84% DGB to USD:
Basic Attention Token -0.22% BAT to USD:
Golem -0.22% GNT to USD:
Syscoin -0.49% SYS to USD:
Qash -0.37% QASH to USD:
Factom -0.44% FCT to USD:
FunFair -0.78% FUN to USD:
Nxt -1.44% NXT to USD:
MaidSafeCoin -0.55% MAID to USD:
Santiment -1.43% SAN to USD:
DigitalNote -2.74% XDN to USD:
Gnosis -0.62% GNO to USD:
GameCredits -0.84% GAME to USD:
Ubiq -0.43% UBQ to USD:
Peercoin -0.28% PPC to USD:
Eidoo -0.78% EDO to USD:
Metaverse ETP +0.33% ETP to USD:
Gulden -0.33% NLG to USD:
Aeon +1.48% AEON to USD:
LBRY Credits -1.63% LBC to USD:
Namecoin -0.15% NMC to USD:
PotCoin -0.17% POT to USD:
YOYOW +0.29% YOYOW to USD:
Bitconnect Coin +0.25% BCC to USD:
Synereo -1.13% AMP to USD:
Expanse -0.67% EXP to USD:
Pascal +0.16% PASC to USD:
Radium +1.53% RADS to USD:
Golos -0.44% GOLOS to USD:
NuBits +0.24% USNBT to USD:
StartCOIN -0.21% START to USD:

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The dollar chart shows against bitcoin, dash, ethereum, ethereum classic, litecoin and monero. The euro chart shows against bitcoin, dash, ethereum, ethereum classic, litecoin and monero. The pound chart shows against bitcoin and ethereum. If you want to see more of any of the cryptocurrency charts, look above for links to each of the chart pages we offer.
