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Strategic AD Spending

Advertising costs money, which many businesses find themselves short of these days. But forgoing ad spending in favor of better profits can be a mistake. Experts say that in a slump, one of the best things you can do is adopt or increase your advertising strategy to attract customers. During a recession, this is especially true, as other businesses may be cutting back on their ad spending, making your voice even more prominent to customers. After seven years of growth, buliding from 30 to 300 locations, Firehouse Subs' growth fizzled, and company leaders realized they had to do something about it. So they returned local advertising fees collected from franchisees, not to put in their pockets, but to take hold of their own local marketing.

Sales fell even more, revealing that this was not a good strategy at the time. Instead, Firehouse reclaimed their local marketing fee, and then gave franchisees the option to take part in a new marketing campaign, requiring them to pay double for local marketing, but in return, becoming part of an $8 million advertising campaign poised for success. Experts commend Firehouse for having the courage to ask franchisees for more money where it was needed, even when times were tough.

Case Details

Nemore tincidunt ea mel, eos cu alii insolens signiferumq. Temu nec dolor clita partem mea ne iuvaret aliquid. Id namillum aug commodo, diam dolores philosophia.

  • Date : 12 Mar, 2016
  • Categories : Finance & Legal
  • Client : Nexeen Company
  • Location : New York.

Cases Solution

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